Di M. Lynx Qualey da Arablit.org del 9 giugno 2017
I finalisti del premio Letteratura araba 2017 sono stati annunciati ieri, 8 giugno. Il premio viene assegnato ogni anno allo scrittore nativo in un Paese di lingua araba e che l’anno precedente ha pubblicato un libro scritto e tradotto in francese.
Eight titles have been shortlisted for the fifth edition of the prize, which is sponsored by the Arab World Institute and the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation:
La Fille de Souslov (translated to English by Elisabeth Jaquette, as Suslov’s Daughter), by Habib Abdulrab Sarori (Actes Sud). Translator: Hana Jaber.
Seul le grenadier (translated to English by the author as The Corpse Washer), by Sinan Antoon (Actes Sud). Translator: Leyla Mansour.
Mourir est un enchantement, by Yasmine Chami (Actes Sud)
Un oiseau bleu et rare vole avec moi, (translated to the English as A Rare Blue Bird Flies With Me, by Jonathan Smolin), by Youssef Fadel (Actes Sud). Translator: Philippe Vigreux.
Cinquante grammes de paradis, (translated to the English as 50 Grams of Paradise, by Michelle Hartman), by Iman Humaydan (Vertical). Translator: Hana Jaber.
Pas de couteaux dans les cuisines de cette ville, (translated to the English as No Knives in the Kitchens of this City, by Leri Price), byKhaled Khalifa (Actes Sud). Translator: Rania Samara.
Une femme sans écriture, by Saber Mansouri (Seuil);
L’effacement, by Samir Toumi (Barzakh).
Last year, the award went to Inaam Kachachi for her Tashaari. The inaugural prize in 2014 went to Jabbour Douaihy for his St. George Looked Away.
This year’s winner will be announced October 18.